A very rare depiction of Maitreya Buddha
Los 1648
INDIA, Kushan Empire. Kanishka I, circa 127/8-152. Tetradrachm (Bronze, 26 mm, 16.49 g, 12 h), main mint in Kapisha (Begram?). ÞAO ΚANηρKI ('King Kanishka' in Bactrian) Kanishka I standing front, head to left, sacrificing with his right hand over altar and holding trident in his left. Rev. MHTPAΓO BOYΔO ('Maitreya Buddha' in Bactrian) Maitreya Buddha seated cross-legged and facing on meditation platform, head surrounded by halo, raising his right hand in gesture of reassurance (Abhaya Mudra) and holding water pot in his left (Kamandala). ANS 617. Very rare. Patina stripped and the reverse corroded, otherwise, good fine.

This interesting type belongs to a small series of coins featuring the earliest numismatic portrayals of Buddha. On this particular issue, we see the Maitreya Buddha - the future Buddha, who will appear on earth in the form of a Bodhisattva. As such, he will teach pure dharma, as ordinary peolple have forgotten about the order of life and of the universe
50 CHF
800 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 22-May-21, 23:43:30 CEST
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